Best if your business... |
is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or group like a high school class fund |
is a sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation, or other for-profit organization |
maintains an average daily balance of $2,500 or more |
Unlimited Transactions Per Month |
Unlimited Check Writing |
ACH Origination2 |
Earns Interest |
Monthly Fee |
None |
$5, waived if average daily balance exceeds $500 or business has a loan with FCCU |
$7.50, waived if average daily balance exceeds $2,500 or business has a loan with FCCU |
Minimum Opening Deposit |
$100 |
$100 |
$100 |
Minimum Balance Requirement |
None |
None |
None |
[1] APY is Annual Percentage Yield.
[2] ACH origination requires underwriting. Contact Director of Business and Community Development for details.